• Another prominent aspect of a narrative writing is its ethos. Here, the characters and events are narrated in such a manner that can influence the readers easily.

Use of figurative language, such as similes and metaphors, can add to the descriptive quality of the the narrative essay. These comparisons allow the reader to draw personal connections with the writing and topic.

Viewpoint Narrative

Read other narrative writing to see how the experts do it and learn from them. Thinking of good stories that appeal not only to the writer but to the reader as well. The plot refers to the events that take place in the story. It is basically a sequence of events where every event affects the next one and it ties things together.

The basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and hold a readers’ interest. However narratives can also be written to teach or inform, to change attitudes / social opinions eg soap operas and television dramas that are used to raise topical issues. Narratives sequence people/characters in time and place but differ from recounts in that through the sequencing, the stories set up one or more problems, which must eventually find a way to be resolved. Narrative essays are about telling stories to your readers. You, the writer, tell about the personal experience but also make a point for readers to understand why you tell about it and why your story is important to share. A narrative essay gives a person the chance to talk about himself through a personal experience. It provides a platform where one reveals how a certain encounter changed his life and created a new way of seeing the world.

The Worry Free Writer

The setting is the time and location in which the story takes place. These facts set the scene for the story and can determine what kind of conflict occurs. For example, if a story is set in the 1800s, can the protagonist have a conflict can you start an introduction with a quote that involves losing his cell phone? The setting can also be important to plot twists if the reader makes assumptions about the time or place that turn out to be false. Overall, the setting has an important impact on every story.

Photo by Thought Catalog on UnsplashIn this article, we’ll discuss these characteristics in greater detail. We’ll also walk you through the different forms of narrative text that you can use for writing your next piece.

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Metanarrative, sometimes also known as master- or grand narrative, is a higher-level cultural narrative schema which orders and explains knowledge and experience you’ve had in life. Similar to metanarrative are masterplots or “recurrent skeletal stories, belonging to cultures and individuals that play a powerful role in questions of identity, values, and the understanding of life.” Another theory regarding the purpose and function of mythological narratives derives from 20th Century philologist Georges Dumézil and his formative theory of the “trifunctionalism” found in Indo-European mythologies. The three functions were organized by cultural significance, with the first function being the most grand and sacred. For Dumèzil, these functions were so vital, they manifested themselves in every aspect of life and were at the center of everyday life.

An emerging field of information warfare is the “battle of the narratives”. The battle of the narratives is a full-blown battle in the cognitive dimension of the information environment, just as traditional warfare is fought in the physical domains . One of the foundational struggles in warfare in the physical domains is to shape the environment such that the contest of arms will be fought on terms that are to one’s advantage. Likewise, a key component of the battle of the narratives is to succeed in establishing the reasons for and potential outcomes of the conflict, on terms favorable to one’s efforts. For example, a number of indigenous stories are used to illustrate a value or lesson. In the Western Apache tribe, stories can be used to warn of the misfortune that befalls people when they do not follow acceptable behavior. One story speaks to the offense of a mother’s meddling in her married son’s life.

readers and writers@cc

When you’re telling them about an interaction you had with someone else or an event you witnessed, you probably include the dialogue from that other situation without even realizing it. The reason we do this often instinctively is because we understand that stories with dialogue are generally more interesting than those without dialogue. Communicates the thesis statement-all the events in your story should relate to the main idea behind the narrative. Relates events in sequence-recreate the events in yours story to be at specific scenes set at actual places and in actual times. Involves readers in the story-for an interesting story, the events of the narrative must incorporate readers in the incidences. When writing a narrative essay, describe the sounds, visuals, smells, and tastes to paint a vivid picture in the head of the reader and help them immerse in the story.

  • The characteristics of a narrative essay include use of literary techniques, characters as well setting, chronology with a moral to the story.
  • Generally, these essays are written in chronological order.
  • Then it is up to the reader to decide which narrator seems most reliable for each part of the story.

Another, is that of Carolyn Abbate, who has suggested that “certain gestures experienced in music constitute a narrating voice”. He argues that discussing music in terms of narrativity is simply metaphorical and that the “imagined plot” may be influenced by the work’s title or other programmatic information provided by the composer. However, Abbate has revealed numerous examples of musical devices that function as narrative voices, by limiting music’s ability to narrate to rare “moments that can be identified by their bizarre and disruptive effect”. Various theorists share this view of narrative appearing in disruptive rather than normative moments in music. The final word is yet to be said regarding narratives in music, as there is still much to be determined. The fact is daily borne in upon me, that the average shore-employment requires as much as forty years to equip a man with this sort of an education. When I say I am still profiting by this thing, I do not mean that it has constituted me a judge of men—no, it has not done that; for judges of men are born, not made.

Main Characteristics of a Narrative Essay

I had been on boats all my life and frankly, I found drawing these plans a bit . Recall specific events, emotions, and impact of a recent service-learning experience. Authors must understand the function of a story beginning – to grab the reader’s attention and introduce the reader to the story world. They also need to recognize the specific strategies and techniques authors use to accomplish this. The content for this page has been written by Shane Mac Donnchaidh.

characteristics of narrative writing

This usually consists of newspapers, essays, reports, and other informative writing. However, some nonfiction can in fact tell a story, which would classify it as narrative writing. In the case of nonfiction, characteristics of narrative writing the story must be a true story with real people and events. Autobiographies and biographies are examples of nonfiction that is narrative writing, as they tell the real story of a person’s life.


The right kind of narrative for your story or essay depends on your goals for the piece you’re writing. Descriptive language to create images in the reader’s mind and enhance the story. To help you with that I have posted the features of narrative writing from English Online. This is where the mood of a character is reflected in non-human objects surrounding them. Weather is typically used in fiction to suggest a character’s frame of mind in a given moment of the story. As the name suggests, a writer will use this technique to have characters make predictions about the future, which then come true as a result of them thinking about that event.

  • If so, it is probably because the author is skilled at using sensory language to tell the story.
  • Dumèzil uses the pantheon of Norse gods as examples of these functions in his 1981 essay—he finds that the Norse gods Odin and Tyr reflect the different brands of sovereignty.
  • They do prewriting activities and practice writing details to show rather than tell about an experience.
  • The main characteristics of narrative writing are the plot, the characters, the setting, the structure and the theme.

In transmedia storytelling, for example, a single narrative may be presented in different media at different times. In this case, the story can be understood only by experiencing all of these pieces. We all have stories to tell and when you write an essay, whether it’s for school or work, you want to make sure the reader gets interested in your topic and knows why they should care about it. The goal of the narrative structure is to keep readers or viewers curious about what will happen next. The main point of a narrative essay is to tell a story that has a beginning, middle, and end.

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In The Day the Dancers Came, the scene in which Fil is in the Hamilton Hotel to greet the dancers can be considered as an example of a time stretch. Santos dedicated at least a page to describe how Fil felt like an outsider—an outcast, an alien, a lonely old-timer amidst fellow countrymen—in a single scene. There was not only a narration of events, but also dialogue.

characteristics of narrative writing

During most people’s childhoods, narratives are used to guide them on proper behavior, cultural history, formation of a communal identity, and values, as especially studied in anthropology today among traditional indigenous peoples. Mark Twain once wrote, “Don’t say the old lady screamed—bring her on and let her scream.” What he was trying to convey is the power of storytelling, or narration, in a piece of writing.

Narrative Essay: Inside Out

Second, you craft the outline with as many details as you can and start writing a draft. Third, you revise the essay, edit it, and submit to a teacher for review. To combine all the five elements into a strong narrative essay, make sure you follow the format known as the narrative arc.

  • A human brain retains 70% of information through stories and 95% – through emotions; so the only way to make people want to listen to you is to tell them a story.
  • These comparisons allow the reader to draw personal connections with the writing and topic.
  • She talks about her everyday life and how that affects her.
  • As opposed to a flashback, a flashforward is an event that has yet to happen in the story.
  • Additionally, the use of suspense and humor makes each write up intriguing.

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